This unique and temperamental time of the race can cause some, particularly the beginner, to come unglued. However, with proper forethought and preparation, you can easily overcome this fear.
Running shoes, swim wear, goggles, cycling equipment… There is a to prepare for the race even aside from training the body. Each piece of equipment is vital and many fear its failure during the race. Though advance preparation is vital, experience is the most important element in eventually overcoming this fear.
Start by making a list of the things you will need. This includes things such as bike shorts or a swimsuit, or perhaps a singlet, a waterbottle… maybe a heartrate monitor. Research all the equipment options that may be helpful for you during training and race day.
Understand where each piece of equipment should be kept and how you want it to be ready for you. Many people will rack their bike in a forward position with the brake levels over the bike rack. Some prefer to have the back of their bike seat on the rack. Think about how you would like your equipment to be ready for you.
A water bottle is important. Make sure it is ready with the appropriate fuel for you. Most Ironman races will have water stations every five miles but for shorter races the athletes may be responsible for their own. Understand how you will hydrate!
A helmet and sunglasses are important. Many athletes place their sunglasses inside their helmet. Make sure to practice putting them on and how to clip and unclip the strap so as not to cause confusion or frustration during a real race or training session.
This is only the beginning. There are a variety of things to consider before even beginning a serious training session, dry run or race.
Of course the most important piece of equipment you will have is your mind and body. Come in to CROSSFIT 619 today to start building the physical and mental endurance you will need for such an invigorating competition.
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