A cushy chair.
These may be great for sleeping and sitting, but it may not be the best type of shoe for your foot type. The name, “Cushioned Shoe” may be attractive to everyone, but it is really only most appropriate for the runner with a high arch and a tendency toward under-pronation.
Cushioned shoes have soft mid-soles and provide less stability than other types of shoes.
They are built on a curved last, to provide better foot motion.
This design is for efficient runners whose feet do not roll inward or outward, but have normal pronation. They are an excellent shoe type for runners with a high arch.
These types of shoes are not recommended for athletes that are prone to getting tendonitis.
A fitness professional, such as SD PERSONAL TRAINER, can help you make correct choices for both the right types of exercise and equipment. This will make your workout not only more efficient, but more enjoyable, and encourage you to meet your goals faster and with less chance of injury.
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