Friday, November 6, 2009

The Effects of Alcohol on Fat Burning

The story happens all too often. Now that you are working on your body and seeing results, you want to put on that sexy new dress or well fitted shirt hit the town at night and show it off a little. Sounds like fun.

But a word of caution. A few cocktails can be a big stumbling block on your fat-burning plan if you’re not careful.

In addition to the obvious effects of alcohol on the body, it can also get in the way of your diet and exercise goals. Aside from the empty calories and fatigue brought on by a night of drinking too much, it can also have many negative affects on your metabolism and vitamin absorption.

There is a strong relationship between alcohol intake, waist size and waist to hip ratio. Many studies show a high correlation particularly between abdominal fat and hard liquor.Abdominal fat accumulation is not “unattractive” but can also be related to many serious health risks. It increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and elevated insulin levels.

Hormone levels may also be involved because high alcohol intake has also been shown to decrease blood testosterone in men, which can lead to fat accumulation.

Some of the negative effects of alcohol on your dietary plan:
Decreased vitamin and mineral absorption
Decreased muscle building
Deprivation of Sleep
De-motivated Workout

Here are some good rules to apply:
Don’t’ drink if you are trying to lose fat. By decreasing your caloric intake, you may be able to “get by” but alcohol will cause you to lose many of the valuable nutrients you are trying to get.

If you are trying to maintain weight and a healthy lifestyle, make sure to drink in moderation, such as on weekends or only when you dine out.

If you decide to have a bottle of beer or glass of wine, make sure to count them in your daily calories.
People tend to eat and drink at the same time so don’t let your appetite get the best of you when you drink. Some studies also suggest that people tend to eat more fatty foods when they are drinking.

Though you may not be able to cut alcohol out of your life, just remember some of these tips and drink wisely when you are working toward your health and fitness goals!

For more information on living a healthy lifestyle and meeting your fat burning goals, come into BOOTCAMP 619 any time!

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