I have been surprised and happy to see the number of people in the gyms lately! The holidays can often bring on the fitness doldrums. The message seems to be getting through to people this year, so don't miss out!
What comes to mind when you think of turkey, cranberries and sweet potatoes? The holidays? A meal that usually consists of most people’s entire week’s caloric intake? Maybe. How about some foods that are actually on Chris Keith’s awesome foods list?
It’s true.
These are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. The problem with holiday dinners is not in the main ingredients, but in the way we prepare them. If you are careful on how you prepare your holiday dinner, it doesn’t need to get in the way of your fat-burning goals.
If you are looking for a lean cut of meat, turkey is hard to beat. A three-ounce serving of skinless white meat contains 25 grams of protein, barely three grams of fat, and less than one gram of saturated fat. Turkey is also a good source of arginine. As with other amino acids, the body uses this one to make new protein. Arginine is also the raw material for making nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes and opens arteries. Whether foods rich in arginine help keep arteries open has prompted both research and debate.
Do eat white mean turkey.
Don’t eat the dark meat or skin. They have the bad fats and unnecessary calories.
Cranberries are packed with dozens of different antioxidants. Cranberries have properties that neutralize unstable molecules that can damage DNA, proteins, cell membranes, and cellular machinery.
Do make your own cranberry sauce with orange juice or zest (and a little honey if necessary) to keep sugar intake down.
Don’t eat the canned stuff!
Sweet potatoes
These orange colored un-potatoes are related to the morning glory, not the white potato and are an excellent source of vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They have a low-glycemic index and are on my list of good carbs.
Do eat them in moderation.
Don’t use a sweetener. They are naturally sweet so enjoy their real flavor!
Don’t be one of those people crowding into the gym after New Year’s to shed all the extra holiday pounds. Many of the foods that grace a Thanksgiving table are healthy on their own but they are dragged down by the company they keep. Brown sugar, butter, and marshmallows destroy the natural goodness of sweet potatoes. The benefits of pumpkin and pecans are overwhelmed when these foods are baked into pies with cream, eggs, butter, and sugar. It doesn’t have to be that way. Don’t get stuck on the “traditional” ideas for holiday dinners – they really don’t bear much resemblance to the original meal anyway – try looking up healthier recipes that everyone can enjoy and start the new year out ahead of the pack.
Don't wait until the New Year to start your fitness plan! Come into BOOTCAMP 619 now and get a jump on the rest! Look great in that new outfit for NYE 2009!
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