The Holidays are here and avoiding the weight gain can be done best by following these tips.
First start by doing your workouts in the morning. If you normally workout in the evening switch to the am. Most of your evenings will be booked with holiday parties that will more than likely make you miss your workout. Fat burning is done best in the morning anyway when your natural Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone levels are at their highest. This allows your body to be efficient at preserving muscle while burning fat. It is normal to burn a little muscle up while losing body fat but not preferred. To help preserve muscle while burning fat you should up your essential fatty acids and antioxidants this will be very helpful in forming and protecting healthy muscle cells. Remember the more muscle you have the more calories you burn daily. The morning workout will help detour excessive holiday alcohol consumption in most cases. Working out with a holiday party hangover sucks and I wouldn’t even recommend it to someone that I didn’t like. Before the morning workout try not to eat. Wait until after to take in your generous portion of protein. Eggs and Whey Protein Powder are the two preferred fat burning foods for your post workout meal during the holidays. The focus should always be on protein during the day because during the holidays carbs happen and they happen a lot more when we are going to holiday parties that usually go on in the evening all throughout the week. Remember when combining your substrates that fat and protein do well together and so do carbs and protein but fat and carbs are a very bad combo I call it the recipe for disaster. Gravy on potatoes, potatoes au gratin, and pecan pie a la mode, are prime examples of this terrible food combo. Our metabolism naturally slows down during the fall and winter months and when we eat the traditional holiday foods
Most of the people I come across take the all or nothing approach during the holiday season. If eating, drinking, and being merry is what you like to do during the holidays I suggest committing to 30 workouts in 30 days this will help you to create a habit for the new year and also help to create the momentum needed for having a killer physique during the summer months. If you miss a day make it up by doing two workouts in one day. This is an approach used by people who are professional athletes at some points during their periodization cycle. Many fitness models, figure and bodybuilding competitors also take the two and sometimes three a day approach. Train to win it works.
We all know that finding parking during the holidays at the local malls can get ridiculous so get your shopping done early this will allow more time for you to spend exercising. If you are single and getting totally depressed about being alone over the holidays try to think about all the money your saving it has been helping me tremendously. Oh, and avoid getting fired at your company party from drinking too much and telling your boss what you really think of him or her. You are definitely going to need your job to pay for your personal trainer in the new year if you are a total mess during this holiday season.
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