Friday, March 19, 2010

Stronger Body, Stronger Runner

Even if you want to, you can’t spend your whole life out on the road. By increasing the strength of your muscles, you are going to become a stronger runner. There are a number of exercises that you can do to improve your speed and endurance. BOOTCAMP 619 provides a balanced workout that will prepare your whole body. Having strong calves and quadriceps will help support your joints and provide you the speed you need to win any race, even if it is just against yourself!

The Foot Raise

“Shin splints” can be caused by increasing your mileage without preparation. It is a common problem that we encounter as we get more excited about our running routine. Strengthening the support muscles for the shin can help alleviate this pain. Sit on a table or stood and hook a weighted bucket or bag with your foot, just behind the toes. Make sure it is not so heavy that it hurts your foot. Lift the foot at the ankle up and down ten times. Next, move the foot side to side ten times. Make sure not to engage the leg so you can keep the focus on the shins.

Strong Quads

Weak quadriceps can result in knee problems and put you on the sidelines. Sit on a table or chair. Lift one leg at a time with the knee locked and move the leg into a straight position. Do this 10 times each and use the weighted bucket or bag if necessary.

If you are a gym member, use the quad extension machine. Squats are also a great exercise to strengthen not only the legs but the whole core. Focus on your core and abdominal muscles too – this will help avoid any lower back problems you may encounter from the stress of your new favorite fitness habit.

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