Friday, December 19, 2008

Your Cardio Workout

An active functional training schedule and strength training will increase muscle mass, which leads to more fat loss and a stronger, leaner body, but cardiovascular exercise is also important. A good cardio workout can increase endurance, lung capacity, blood flow to the brain and burn fat. Running, jogging, swimming, cycling, rowing and other types of cardio are important to do on a regular basis and when you are traveling or can’t get into the gym.

For fat-loss, plan to spend at least 30 minutes each day on your cardio workout. Your exercise regime should consist of a warm-up, workout, and cool-down period. For example, warm up on the stair climber for 5 minutes. Increase your speed to a slow jog for 20 minutes and end your cardio workout with another a fast-paced, 5-minute climb.
Also consider an interval cardio workout, such as sprinting. This form of exercise involves intervals of running and walking, either on your treadmill or outside. However, you need to warm up properly to prevent injury to your knees and legs.
Incorporate different forms of cardio exercise into your workout. Most people become bored with just one form of exercise, so do different activities. A cardio exercise is any workout that elevates the heart rate for a length of time, usually 20 minutes. Try swimming laps, jumping rope or climbing stairs.

For more information on exercise, fitness and nutrition, go to

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