Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season from Chris Keith, San Diego's best personal trainer!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Keeping a Cardio Balance to Burn Fat
For fat-loss, plan to spend at least 30 minutes each day on your cardio workout. Your exercise regime should consist of a warm-up, workout, and cool-down period. For example, warm up on the stair climber for 5 minutes. Increase your speed to a slow jog for 20 minutes and end your cardio workout with another a fast-paced, 5-minute climb.
Also consider an interval cardio workout, such as sprinting. This form of exercise involves intervals of running and walking, either on your treadmill or outside. However, you need to warm up properly to prevent injury to your knees and legs.
Incorporate different forms of cardio exercise into your workout. Most people become bored with just one form of exercise, so do different activities. A cardio exercise is any workout that elevates the heart rate for a length of time, usually 20 minutes. Try swimming laps, jumping rope or climbing stairs.
For more information on fitness and nutrition, visit www.bootcamp619.com.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Food Facts: Pomegranate
A native of the Middle East and the Himalayas, the Pomegranate is a round, sweet, fruit about the size of an apple that grows on top of small trees. The pomegranate is part of the "super fruit" category because it contains an abundance of nutrients that may be beneficial to your health.
Pomegranates are high in polyphenols, which have been shown to be superior antioxidants. Antioxidants are important in the diet for improved disease prevention, brain function and maintaining a healthy, youthful body and appearance.
Pomegranates are in season now and readily available.
For more information on fitness and nutrition, go to www.bootcamp619.com.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thermogenic Foods for Fat Burning
When it comes to “thermogenic” foods, people often put the cart before the horse, focusing on supplements and exotic herbs before establishing a healthy fundamental diet. Though it is shown that supplements and foods like cayenne, guarana and chili pepper can help speed the metabolism, it is recommended to master your nutritional fundamentals prior to learning these details. Working on the details, while skipping meals and not maintaining a regular workout schedule will not get the results you want.
“Thermogenic” foods are foods which cause the body to use energy to digest them. Though all foods could technically be labeled this way, there are many foods which work more efficiently with your body in this manner. Lean proteins are the best types of thermogenic foods.
Examples of Great Lean Proteins
Chicken Breast
Turkey Breast
Lean Sirloin
Egg Whites
Whey Protein
Although whey protein is best and most easily consumed in the form of a protein shake, it is very important not to lose focus on the goal to maintain a healthy diet of real, whole foods.
Bodybuilders have been combining the thermogenic effects of lean proteins with the right balance of essential fats, fiberous green vegetables and some starchy carbs and whole grains to speed their metabolism to lose fat and gain muscle for years. However, these techniques are not just for bodybuilders. Anyone can use these basic ideas to meet their fat-burning goals.
Diets which starve the body of necessary nutrients may show short term effects, but can be more harmful in the long run. For example, completely eliminating carbs from your diet can deteriorate muscle. Instead, try a healthier approach of limiting intake of carbs to a minimum for two to three days and increasing on the following day. That will help reduce the amount of carbs you are eating to induce fat burning, but still provide your body with the essentials it needs to build or keep your muscle tone.
For example, when planning a meal, select a green vegetable such as broccoli, green beans or salad vegetables and combine them with one of your lean proteins. On the days that you need the most energy for your workout – such as weight training or functional training day, as opposed to cardio-only day – combine these meals with a beneficial carb, such as brown rice, wheat pasta or sweet potatoes to the degree that your body needs and can use up the energy and calories.
The two basic rules to carb consumption are:
Always eat beneficial, wholesome carbs: Low-glycemic index carbs such as oatmeal and wheat products are always a good choice. Make sure that your foods are natural not overly processed with added flavors or colorings.
Eat your carbs early in the day: Try to keep your carb consumption to your earlier meals, rather than at night. A post-weight training carb can also be beneficial.
Follow some of these basic rules and combine them with a proper exercise plan. You will notice the effect of reduced body fat without losing valuable muscle tone.
For information on fitness and nutrition, go to www.bootcamp619.com.
“Thermogenic” foods are foods which cause the body to use energy to digest them. Though all foods could technically be labeled this way, there are many foods which work more efficiently with your body in this manner. Lean proteins are the best types of thermogenic foods.
Examples of Great Lean Proteins
Turkey Breast
Lean Sirloin
Egg Whites
Whey Protein
Although whey protein is best and most easily consumed in the form of a protein shake, it is very important not to lose focus on the goal to maintain a healthy diet of real, whole foods.
Bodybuilders have been combining the thermogenic effects of lean proteins with the right balance of essential fats, fiberous green vegetables and some starchy carbs and whole grains to speed their metabolism to lose fat and gain muscle for years. However, these techniques are not just for bodybuilders. Anyone can use these basic ideas to meet their fat-burning goals.
Diets which starve the body of necessary nutrients may show short term effects, but can be more harmful in the long run. For example, completely eliminating carbs from your diet can deteriorate muscle. Instead, try a healthier approach of limiting intake of carbs to a minimum for two to three days and increasing on the following day. That will help reduce the amount of carbs you are eating to induce fat burning, but still provide your body with the essentials it needs to build or keep your muscle tone.
For example, when planning a meal, select a green vegetable such as broccoli, green beans or salad vegetables and combine them with one of your lean proteins. On the days that you need the most energy for your workout – such as weight training or functional training day, as opposed to cardio-only day – combine these meals with a beneficial carb, such as brown rice, wheat pasta or sweet potatoes to the degree that your body needs and can use up the energy and calories.
The two basic rules to carb consumption are:
Always eat beneficial, wholesome carbs: Low-glycemic index carbs such as oatmeal and wheat products are always a good choice. Make sure that your foods are natural not overly processed with added flavors or colorings.
Eat your carbs early in the day: Try to keep your carb consumption to your earlier meals, rather than at night. A post-weight training carb can also be beneficial.
Follow some of these basic rules and combine them with a proper exercise plan. You will notice the effect of reduced body fat without losing valuable muscle tone.
For information on fitness and nutrition, go to www.bootcamp619.com.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Start the New Year with Change and Challenge
When it comes to your body, change in your workout equals challenge. By challenging your body, you will lead to improvement. Variety is not only the spice of life, but also the key ingredient to progress.
It is very easy to get lulled into the same routine in the gym. We are often drawn to perform the exercises that we are familiar with or use the machines that we have already learned. However, the body often adjusts to the routine and we lose the results that we felt initially. To keep improving your body and health, you should add variety to your workout.
There are many ways to achieve this.

Vary Your Cardio Exercises
Try changing up your routine by doing different types of exercise. Try using the stair climber one day and taking a step aerobics class the next. Whatever you are doing, make sure that you remain at a level that you feel you are achieving fat burning. By continually challenging the body with different types of cardiovascular exercise, you can keep your body in a constant, positive state of fat burning.
Change Length and Intensity Levels
Try exercising at a lower intensity level for a longer period of time for a few weeks and then switch to a higher intensity level for a shorter period. By doing this, you could challenge your endurance and burn fat by exercising for a longer period of time, such as 45 minutes to an hour or build your cardiovascular health by exercising for a shorter period, such as 20 to 30 minutes at a high level.
Exercise First Thing in the Morning
If you are tired of your workouts on the way home from the job, try waking up early and going to exercise before going to work. It is a great way to start the day and can get your fat-burning engine started early. It is shown that the body continues to burn fat for a few hours after a good workout. By combining an early workout schedule with a pyramid-style nutritional plan that peaks your caloric intake at mid-day, you may be able to use your food more efficiently and burn more fat.
Warm Up and Cool Down
It is important to make sure that your body is ready for your workout. Make sure to ease up to your target heart rate by warming up before your begin exercising. The time that you spend preparing for or cooling off from your cardio workout should be added on to your regular plan. By warming up, you will make sure that your body is already at a fat burning level by the time you start your routine.
By warming up prior to strength training, you will improve blood flow and muscle contraction.
Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals
Food is fuel for your body. You need to burn it all day long to get the best, most efficient results. By eating less frequently, you are more likely to be in caloric excess, which leads to fat retention. Instead of the traditional three meals a day, try eating five or six. You will not feel as hungry when you eat and are less likely to eat in excess.
These are the basics of challenging the body. It is very easy to slip into a “routine.” They can be important points for beginners to know and for the more advanced to be reminded of!
For more information on fitness and nutrition, go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/
It is very easy to get lulled into the same routine in the gym. We are often drawn to perform the exercises that we are familiar with or use the machines that we have already learned. However, the body often adjusts to the routine and we lose the results that we felt initially. To keep improving your body and health, you should add variety to your workout.
There are many ways to achieve this.
Vary Your Cardio Exercises
Try changing up your routine by doing different types of exercise. Try using the stair climber one day and taking a step aerobics class the next. Whatever you are doing, make sure that you remain at a level that you feel you are achieving fat burning. By continually challenging the body with different types of cardiovascular exercise, you can keep your body in a constant, positive state of fat burning.
Change Length and Intensity Levels
Try exercising at a lower intensity level for a longer period of time for a few weeks and then switch to a higher intensity level for a shorter period. By doing this, you could challenge your endurance and burn fat by exercising for a longer period of time, such as 45 minutes to an hour or build your cardiovascular health by exercising for a shorter period, such as 20 to 30 minutes at a high level.
Exercise First Thing in the Morning
If you are tired of your workouts on the way home from the job, try waking up early and going to exercise before going to work. It is a great way to start the day and can get your fat-burning engine started early. It is shown that the body continues to burn fat for a few hours after a good workout. By combining an early workout schedule with a pyramid-style nutritional plan that peaks your caloric intake at mid-day, you may be able to use your food more efficiently and burn more fat.
Warm Up and Cool Down
It is important to make sure that your body is ready for your workout. Make sure to ease up to your target heart rate by warming up before your begin exercising. The time that you spend preparing for or cooling off from your cardio workout should be added on to your regular plan. By warming up, you will make sure that your body is already at a fat burning level by the time you start your routine.
By warming up prior to strength training, you will improve blood flow and muscle contraction.
Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals
Food is fuel for your body. You need to burn it all day long to get the best, most efficient results. By eating less frequently, you are more likely to be in caloric excess, which leads to fat retention. Instead of the traditional three meals a day, try eating five or six. You will not feel as hungry when you eat and are less likely to eat in excess.
These are the basics of challenging the body. It is very easy to slip into a “routine.” They can be important points for beginners to know and for the more advanced to be reminded of!
For more information on fitness and nutrition, go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/
Friday, December 19, 2008
Your Cardio Workout
An active functional training schedule and strength training will increase muscle mass, which leads to more fat loss and a stronger, leaner body, but cardiovascular exercise is also important. A good cardio workout can increase endurance, lung capacity, blood flow to the brain and burn fat. Running, jogging, swimming, cycling, rowing and other types of cardio are important to do on a regular basis and when you are traveling or can’t get into the gym.

For fat-loss, plan to spend at least 30 minutes each day on your cardio workout. Your exercise regime should consist of a warm-up, workout, and cool-down period. For example, warm up on the stair climber for 5 minutes. Increase your speed to a slow jog for 20 minutes and end your cardio workout with another a fast-paced, 5-minute climb.
Also consider an interval cardio workout, such as sprinting. This form of exercise involves intervals of running and walking, either on your treadmill or outside. However, you need to warm up properly to prevent injury to your knees and legs.
Incorporate different forms of cardio exercise into your workout. Most people become bored with just one form of exercise, so do different activities. A cardio exercise is any workout that elevates the heart rate for a length of time, usually 20 minutes. Try swimming laps, jumping rope or climbing stairs.
For more information on exercise, fitness and nutrition, go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/.
For fat-loss, plan to spend at least 30 minutes each day on your cardio workout. Your exercise regime should consist of a warm-up, workout, and cool-down period. For example, warm up on the stair climber for 5 minutes. Increase your speed to a slow jog for 20 minutes and end your cardio workout with another a fast-paced, 5-minute climb.
Also consider an interval cardio workout, such as sprinting. This form of exercise involves intervals of running and walking, either on your treadmill or outside. However, you need to warm up properly to prevent injury to your knees and legs.
Incorporate different forms of cardio exercise into your workout. Most people become bored with just one form of exercise, so do different activities. A cardio exercise is any workout that elevates the heart rate for a length of time, usually 20 minutes. Try swimming laps, jumping rope or climbing stairs.
For more information on exercise, fitness and nutrition, go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Is Cardio the Only Way to Burn Fat?
Though cardio exercise is important and effective for fat burning and losing weight, it is not the only kind of exercise that can induce fat-loss. Strength training and functional training can help you preserve the muscle you have while causing a reduction in body fat. Remember that the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day.
Muscle is more active than fat. A pound of muscle can burn anywhere from 10-20 calories a day while a pound of fat only burns 2-5 calories. Since muscle is more dense than fat and takes up less space, more muscle tone will make you look slimmer and trimmer.
Many people, especially women, avoid strength training because they think they will gain weight or because they just “like cardio better.” However, strength training and functional training have a number of benefits:
Building lean muscle
The way your body looks and feels is not dependent on your body fat percentage, but your body mass index. This includes the ratio of muscle to fat. A body includes more muscle will burn more fat automatically without spending as much time on the cardio machines and look healthier.
Strengthening muscles, bones and connective tissues
Stronger muscles make your body more functional. Different types of exercises or exercise programs can manipulate the muscle to perform for either strength or estetics. Whether you want bigger muscles or leaner, toned muscles depends on the type of training you do.
Keeping the body strong and injury-free for your cardio workouts
Some cardio workouts can be stressful on the bones and joints. Stronger surrounding muscles will give you the support your need and keep you from sustaining and injury which may keep you on the sidelines.
Raising the metabolism
Not only keeping your body active, but with a higher ratio of muscle in the body will speed your metabolism. Combine active functional and strength training with your cardio workout and you will notice changes in your body and appetite. If you make sure to include a diet of healthy, frequent, small meals, you will see your fat drop and muscle increase!
An effective fat loss program will include regular strength training and cardio workouts, done either separately or together, depending on your schedule and goals. Another important component is, of course, eating a healthy diet as well. By implementing all three components, you can maximize your weight loss and your health.

Muscle is more active than fat. A pound of muscle can burn anywhere from 10-20 calories a day while a pound of fat only burns 2-5 calories. Since muscle is more dense than fat and takes up less space, more muscle tone will make you look slimmer and trimmer.
Many people, especially women, avoid strength training because they think they will gain weight or because they just “like cardio better.” However, strength training and functional training have a number of benefits:
Building lean muscle
The way your body looks and feels is not dependent on your body fat percentage, but your body mass index. This includes the ratio of muscle to fat. A body includes more muscle will burn more fat automatically without spending as much time on the cardio machines and look healthier.
Strengthening muscles, bones and connective tissues
Stronger muscles make your body more functional. Different types of exercises or exercise programs can manipulate the muscle to perform for either strength or estetics. Whether you want bigger muscles or leaner, toned muscles depends on the type of training you do.
Keeping the body strong and injury-free for your cardio workouts
Some cardio workouts can be stressful on the bones and joints. Stronger surrounding muscles will give you the support your need and keep you from sustaining and injury which may keep you on the sidelines.
Raising the metabolism
Not only keeping your body active, but with a higher ratio of muscle in the body will speed your metabolism. Combine active functional and strength training with your cardio workout and you will notice changes in your body and appetite. If you make sure to include a diet of healthy, frequent, small meals, you will see your fat drop and muscle increase!
An effective fat loss program will include regular strength training and cardio workouts, done either separately or together, depending on your schedule and goals. Another important component is, of course, eating a healthy diet as well. By implementing all three components, you can maximize your weight loss and your health.
For more information on fitness and nutrition, go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Popeye Had the Right Idea: Spinach
If you don’t like raw or cooked in the traditional American style, try it the way the Japanese do. Lightly steam the spinach (not too much – you can loose a lot of nutrients by cooking it), remove some of the moisture; add ground sesame and a little soy sauce.
For more fitness and nutrition information, go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Chris Keith's Guide to Healthy Holidays
Weight gain season has begun and runs for a few more weeks. There are plenty of great ways to avoid the down-side of holiday cheer.
You may think it’s too early… Why not just wait until I start that New Year’s Resolution to lose those extra pounds? Well, the answer is clear – why gain them in the first place? Even though you may be busy with holiday parties and year-end work, most people do have some extra time for themselves over the holidays. Spend it productively and get a jump on the rest of the crowd.
Gyms are often deserted during the holiday season. Exercise can be one of the first things people drop off their busy schedules to spend more time at the mall or holiday parties. Use that to your benefit! While there may be long lines at the department stores, there’s no waiting at the stair machine. Get in a quick workout before heading out to your daily activities. If there’s no time before, it can be a great stress-reliever after a long day of work and holiday activities.
Holiday Helper
Everybody can use a little help. Santa has elves. You can get a fitness professional to help you too. By working with a personal trainer, you’ll get the attention and education that you need to get more challenging workouts. A fitness professional will make your workouts more effective and give you the motivation you need to have that extra willpower that we all lack during the holiday season.
Classy New Year
Join a class! A group can really motivate you to challenge yourself. It is likely that class sizes will be down this month before the big post-holiday push. It will give you a chance to try something new without the crowd and be ahead of the rest when the holidays are over.
Find Your Holiday BFF
Get a serious exercise buddy. Make sure to choose someone that is as motivated as you are or you may not get the desired results. Make a commitment to push each other even harder than you may have pushed yourself. Find someone that shares the same fitness goals, is encouraging and committed and is around the same fitness level.
A close friend, partner or spouse could be a good choice. It is a great way to spend more one-on-one time together during a season when we are often invited to group activities.
Don’t Overstuff Your Stocking
Watch your diet and make sure that you enjoy your seasonal treats with moderation. Choose a few items that you may not mind cutting out this year and enjoy those that you do without stuffing yourself. You won’t miss the discomfort you feel after the meal… or the pants that don’t fit on January first.
Above all, keep fitness on your mind during the holiday season. Your health is not something to take a vacation from. In the end, a good healthy lifestyle will reduce stress and make you feel great. Enjoy your holidays and have a healthy, happy New Year!
Go to http://www.bootcamp619.com/ for more information on fitness and nutritional training.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fitness boot camp in san diego
If you are looking for a fitness boot camp in san diego go the original and still the best one BOOTCAMP 619. Chris Keith uses his military experience to help people get in the best shape of their life.